Freight Executive Insights with Kary Jablonskli, CEO of Trucker Tools

Michael and Kary discuss helping truckers and carriers with essential tools along with insights for the road ahead.

💡 Please subscribe for awesome content including:
– Top supply chain executive interviews
– Industry news and insights
– Personal stories that inspire and motivate … Continue ReadingFreight Executive Insights with Kary Jablonskli, CEO of Trucker Tools

Freight Executive Insights with Chad Eichelberger, President of Reliance Partners

Michael and Chad discuss their journey in freight, insights about Reliance Partners, and some trends and insights for the road ahead.

💡 Please subscribe for awesome content including:
– Top supply chain executive interviews
– Industry news and insights
– Personal stories that inspire and motivate … Continue ReadingFreight Executive Insights with Chad Eichelberger, President of Reliance Partners

Ep. 168 – Why Sustainability Is Now Part of Your Operations

Do you want to reduce your fuel spend by 10% to 23% net cost savings? Here are some of the things happening on that front:

✅ Measured case studies show average 26.73% fuel economy gains
✅ 6-in-1 green fuel technology, support, and engineering analysis included
✅ Burn fuel more completely, reduce emissions, and reduce repairs … Continue ReadingEp. 168 – Why Sustainability Is Now Part of Your Operations

Ep. 162 – Unilever Emissions Reduction and Goals / Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Emissions

Topics on the show today:
✅ Emissions reduction levels achieved by Unilever thus far
✅ Goals for Scope 3 Emissions (from their Suppliers)
✅ What are Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions?
✅ Unilever goal of 100% reduction of Scope 2 and Scope 3 by 2030
✅ More… … Continue ReadingEp. 162 – Unilever Emissions Reduction and Goals / Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Emissions

Ep. 158 – Delivering the Right Message to the Right People at the Right Time

On the show today, we discuss:
✅ 2024 Outlook and Trends: Supply Chain Marketing
✅ 3 Key Pointers for Delivering Key Messages That Drive Revenue Growth
✅ How Fillogic Has Worked with Virago Marketing to Develop and Deliver the Right Content To Drive More Revenue and Visibility … Continue ReadingEp. 158 – Delivering the Right Message to the Right People at the Right Time

Ep. 138 – $7.1 Billion Market by 2026 – Fuel Additives Growth and Why

On the Sustainiacs episode today, we discuss:

✅ Why the global fuel additives market is projected to reach 7.1 billion in USD by 2026
✅ How factors such as stringent governmental regulations will drive the fuel additives market growth
✅ North America is the largest market for fuel additives followed by APAC and Europe … Continue ReadingEp. 138 – $7.1 Billion Market by 2026 – Fuel Additives Growth and Why

Ep. 104 – The Supply Chain of Recycling with Michael Vincent & Andy Hedrick

On the show today:
1) “Stop Frying Bacon in a Pan”? Hot off the press on CNET – Michael and I strongly disagree with this notion. What say you?!
2) reports that “Only about 5% of plastic waste gets recycled in US” – a huge drop from 9% in 2019. Why is that?
– More….

Continue ReadingEp. 104 – The Supply Chain of Recycling with Michael Vincent & Andy Hedrick

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